
Andy Rice (@ricecommaandy) shares his views on whether he feels co-creation is a sensible way to ensure that brands achieve consumer relevance, or whether it is simply a way of hiring cheap labour. Co-creation in marketing terms is the concept of encouraging consumers of a brand to contribute to the creation of new strategies for that brand, whether it be innovation, communication or whatever.

Expect examples from Domino’s Pizza, Lego, Converse and Doritos.



Andy RiceCatch ad and branding critic Andy Rice (@ricecommaandy) on the #ButDoesItWork feature on 702 (@Radio702) and Cape Talk (@CapeTalk). Every week on The Money Show on a Tuesday evening just after 7pm, he unpacks the tricks of the advertising and brand communications world, SOME of which work but MANY of which don’t! Produced by Primedia Broadcasting’s Gary Oberholzer (@goberholzer). For more, go to Facebook.

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