by Every Ad Agency (@EveryAdAgency) Integration. It’s what’s hot on the streets right now. At Every Ad Agency, we’ve made sure to purchase at least 14 digital agencies in the coming months to fully integrate our service offering to clients.
This is not to say our existing digital expertise is lacking anything; we’ve fully cracked the code on integrating digital into our advertising marketing mix.
The simple truth
Outdoor should always be digital. It’s the simple truth. Thus, we have happily agreed to include on every billboard at least a website address, the link to the client’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles, and an augmented reality experience you can scan while driving past at 120km/h. A truly safe and immersive experience right there in your vehicle.
We’ve taken Print to the next frontier. All our print campaigns going forward will be lead by a user-generated content (UGC) competition, where we ask native millennials to take selfies of themselves holding our print ad in front of their faces. This immediately takes the client’s media spend from print advertising and turns it into an earned media extravaganza, with ROI going through the roof.
Our biggest secret thus far is the use of Google Plus. Many see this amazing social network as the ugly stepsister of the social media landscape but we’ve changed this. Exclusivity is what it’s all about, and — with literally nobody ever using Google Plus — we have created circles of curated consumers for our clients to target with status updates that 98% of the world will never see.
We believe that it won’t be long before others follow our trendsetting on this front.
Of course, all of the above might seem daunting to many in our industry today, but that has quickly been negated by the buying spree of digital shops. This is done by throwing wads of cash at a young hot digital agency, giving it your agency name but also making sure you keep it at arm’s length so as not to upset the old-guard of traditional ECDs in your current agency.
This new buzzword, “arms-length integration”, will soon become standard for all the big traditional players in the agency business.
This might seem a ridiculous statement but the value added is immense. The capability of inserting URLs at the end of a TV commercial and dropping a hashtag in the left-hand corner of the screen is something you can’t buy, or can, kind of.
Nothing a client likes more
For last-minute impressing of the client, these are also the people you want in your corner. There’s nothing a client likes more than hearing its engagement rate went up by 10% or its Twitter following skyrocketed by 300% (even if it only had one follower to begin with).
At the end of the day, integrating is as simple as doing everything on every channel, and asking everyone to follow you everywhere.
We are Every Ad Agency (@EveryAdAgency). You’ve either worked for us, with us or against us. What’s more, we make every advertising and marketing cliché work. Headquartered in Johannesburg; branches everywhere.
All these satirical “Bad ADvice” columns, which are exclusive to MarkLives, are written by the Chief Operating Creative Director in Charge of Ideas (COCDCI).
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