by Mahala. Faith47’s murals in the Durban inner-city are complete. The walls are situated adjacent to the Early Morning Market in Warwick Triangle. The project was one of the Fringe Projects that form part of the 25th World Congress on Architecture, UIA2014.
“I’m specifically interested in exploring this notion of the informal economy,” says Faith of the subject matter she chose. “I was struck by the potent energy of this area. The paintings are portraits of some of the traders in the area, a tribute to the everyday man on the street.”
“So much of our shared space and our city architecture is alienating to the individual,” continues Faith. “Interventions within public spaces allow for a visual gap in which people can breathe and feel again.”
*Images © Faith47, Luca Barrausse, Kierran Allen and Michelle Hankinson.
Reprinted from Mahala with permission.
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