Microsoft has launched The Microsoft Advertising Story Awards (MSAs), which invites marketers from 30 countries across the world to submit a campaign idea for a brand or nonprofit of their choice using Microsoft Advertising’s storytelling platforms (including MSN, Mobile, Windows Live, Xbox, Messenger, etc.).
Winners in the Middle East and Africa region (entries from Turkey, Israel, South Africa, UAE, Saudi and all GCC countries, Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan are eligable) will receive a trophy and a ticket to enter the global competition, which will award two global winners with a VIP trip as Microsoft Advertising’s guests to the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2012 taking place from 17th to 23rd of June 2012.
To enter you need to submit a hypothetical digital media plan and creative idea for the brand or nonprofit of their choice that addresses a ‘key business challenge’ for that organization’s 2012 or 2013 calendar year. David Sable, Global CEO at Y&R will chair the global judging panel.
Deadline for entries is March 31, 2012. For more information on how to enter the competition click here.