Y&R to restructure, refuses comment on Lamb resignation


Following the recent surprise announcement that Fraser Lamb had resigned as group CEO of Y&R, a wall of silence around the resignation seems to have been erected around the company by its management.

Yossi Schwartz, chairman of Young & Rubicam Brands SA, declined to comment on Lamb’s resignation, saying it was a private decision he wished to respect. Schwartz is the only spokesperson within the company allowed to engage with the media on the matter of Lamb’s resignation.

Schwartz would not be drawn on industry speculation and comments on Bizcommunity – a considerable number of which appear to originate from within Y&R – that the full story around Lamb’s resignation is yet to emerge. He rejected the suggestion that the comments posted on Biz’s forum signified significant division within the agency.

The WPP group, of which Y&R forms part, also declined to comment on Lamb’s resignation. Feona McEwan, group communications director at WPP (London), says the group is “aware of the situation, but it is not appropriate for WPP, the parent company, to comment”.

While Y&R and WPP decline to be drawn on Lamb’s resignation, Jonathan Ackerman, until recently marketing director at Pick n Pay Retailers (he recently changed portfolios to become customer director as well as executive director of Pick n Pay Stores Ltd), expressed his support for Lamb as well as his unhappiness at Lamb’s departure. According to Ackerman, he remains very upset that Lamb is gone. Pick n Pay is Y&R’s largest single client.

Read the full story on BizCommunity.com


Published by Herman Manson

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