Extracts from the ABC Q3 2014 presentation released today, Thursday, 13 November 2014, show that total newspaper circulation has declined by 66 000 copies compared to the previous quarter.
Year-on-year daily newspaper circulation has declined annually by 3.8% since 2010, equivalent to 233 000 copies. The Star is down 15.89%, compared to the corresponding reporting period last year, Pretoria News is as down 12.04% and Daily Sun is down 9.86%.
Weekly papers have increased by 35 000 copies, compared to Q2. Among the weeklies, the Mail & Guardian is down 10.93% and Ilanga 10.70%. Weekend papers have declined annually by 5.7% (534 000 copies) over the the past four years, and by 67 000 copies compared to Q2.
Bucked the trend
Saturday Dispatch, meanwhile, has bucked the trend to grow by 8.59%.
Pretoria News Saturday has fallen by 23.59%, compared to the corresponding reporting period last year; Saturday Beeld by 17.52%; The Saturday Star by 14.84%; and Ilanga Langesonto by 12.99%.
Graphs, analysis and data courtesy of the ABC.
4 Year Total Newspaper Circulation Trend by Quarter
Total newspaper circulation has declined by 66 000 copies, compared to the previous quarter.
4 Year Category Trend by Quarter: Daily Newspapers
Circulation has declined annually by 3.8% since 2010, equivalent to 233 000 copies.
4 Year Trend Analysis by Language: Daily Newspapers
English titles have declined by 3.9% annually (176 000 copies) over the period. Afrikaans titles have declined by 5.2% annually (61 000 copies) over the period. Vernacular titles have increased by 1% (4 000 copies) over the period
4 Year Trend Analysis: Coastal vs Inland Daily Newspapers
Inland circulation has declined annually by 3.6% (138 000 copies) over the period. Coastal circulation has declined annually by 4.3% (95 000 copies) over the period.
4 Year Category Trend by Quarter: Weekly Newspapers
Weekly newspapers reflect an erratic performance. Q3, however, has increased by 35 000 copies, compared to Q2.
4 Year Category Trend by Quarter: Weekend Newspapers
Circulation has declined annually by 5.7% (534 000 copies) over the four-year period. Q3, however, has declined by 3.9% (67 000 copies), compared to Q2.
4 Year Trend Analysis by Language: Weekend Newspapers
English titles have declined annually by 6.3% (404 000 copies) over the period. Afrikaans titles have declined annually by 8.2% (185 000 copies) over the period. Vernacular titles have grown annually by 8.5% (55 000 copies) over the period.
4 Year Category Trend by Quarter: Local Newspapers
Local Newspapers have declined by 3.2% (65 000 copies) over the four-year period.
4 Year Category Trend by Quarter: Free Newspapers
Distribution has increased annually by 5.7% (1 275 000 copies) over the four-year period. Q3 has remained static, compared to Q2.
Graphs, analysis and data courtesy of the ABC.
ABC Q3 2014 stories:
- ABC Analysis Q3 2104: The biggest-circulating consumer magazines in South Africa
- ABC Analysis Q3 2104: The biggest-circulating newspapers in South Africa
- ABC Magazine Round-up Q3 2014: Consumer mags revisit flawed circ counting
- ABC Newspaper Round-up Q3 2014: The Star is down 15.89%
ABC Q2 2014 stories from earlier this year:
- ABC Analysis Q2 2014: The biggest circulating consumer magazines in South Africa
- ABC Analysis Q2 2014: The biggest circulating newspapers in South Africa
- ABC Magazine Round-up Q2 2014: Even the good news is bad news
- ABC Newspaper Round-up Q2014: Depressing doesn’t even describe it
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