Extracts from the ABC Q2 2014 presentation released today, Wednesday, 13 August 2014, show a continued decline in consumer magazine sales year-on-year. Circulation declined annually by 1.7% (456,000 copies) over the period, although the decline has reversed in Q2 compared to the previous 6 quarters (we offer an explanation below, the headline is a hint).
Overall magazine circulation declined by 63,000 copies over the previous quarter. Consumer magazines increased by 0.4% (35,000 copies) over the previous quarter.
The Q2 2014 data shows that almost 5% of total consumer magazine paid circulation comes from distribution at less than 50% (on average) of the title cover price.
Media24 Magazines is the publisher behind much of the increased consumer circulation figures and they offered the following explanation: “The April – June 2014 ABC quarter saw Media24 Magazines include for the first time the digital copy sales through subscriptions to its bundled offers – led by Kaboedel/The Bundle. These copies are indicated as paid PDF replica edition sales below 50% of cover price, in terms of the ABC regulations. Kaboedel/The Bundle launched in April 2013 and offers access to the PDF replicas of 14 Afrikaans titles and 22 English titles at a fixed monthly subscription rate (currently R110 a month for all 14 Afrikaans magazines, or R110 for all 22 English titles).” We offer further analysis on our overview of consumer magazine circulation figures.
Graphs, analysis and data courtesy of the ABC.
Four-year magazine circulation by quarter
Total magazines circulation declined by 63,000 copies over the previous quarter. Consumer magazines increased by 0.4% (35,000 copies) over the previous quarter.
Four-year category trend by quarter: consumer magazines
Circulation declined annually by 1.7% (456,000 copies) over the period, although the decline has reversed in Q2 compared to the previous 6 quarters.
Four-year category trend by quarter: consumer magazines — home
Circulation has declined by 25,000 copies over the period, Q2, however, increased by 17,000 copies compared to Q1.
Four-year category trend by quarter: consumer magazines — sport and hobby
Circulation declined annually by 3.4% (68,000 copies) over the period. Q2 remained static compared to Q1.
Four-year category trend by quarter: consumer magazines — travel
Circulation increased annually by 31.3% (333,000 copies) over the period, fluctuating considerably as a result of biennial reporting titles. Q2 increased by 64,000 copies compared to Q1, mainly because of new entrants.
Four-year category trend by quarter: consumer magazines — woman’s general
Circulation declined by 2.8% annually (190,000 copies) over the period. Q2 remained static compared to Q1.
Four-year category trend by quarter: Business to Business magazines
Circulation has remained static over the period. Q2, however, increased by 21,000 copies compared to Q1.
Four-year category trend by quarter: Custom Magazines
Circulation declined annually by 1.6% (843,000 copies) over the period. Q2 declined by 60,000 copies compared to Q1.
Four-year category trend by quarter: Free Magazines
Circulation declined annually by 18% over the period. Q2 decreased by 11.4% (60,000 copies) compared to Q1.
Graphs, analysis and data courtesy of the ABC.
ABC: The biggest circulating consumer magazines in South Africa
ABC: The biggest circulating newspapers in South Africa
ABC Magazine Round-up: Even the good news is bad news
ABC Newspaper Round-up: Depressing doesn’t even describe it
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