
by Herman Manson (@marklives) The Audit Bureau of Circulations of South Africa has released newspaper-circulation statistics for the period January-March 2020 (ABC Q1 2020); see our consumer magazine ABC analysis here.

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Newspaper overview

  • Daily newspapers declined 14% on the prior year
  • Weekly newspapers declined by 14.6% on the prior year
  • Weekend newspapers declined by 17% on the prior year.

Daily papers

Business Day increased its circulation by 5.52%. All other daily papers saw a decline. The Sowetan led with a 25.68% decline year-on-year, followed by Son (-21.17%), The Star (-20.82%) and Pretoria News (-20.01%). The Daily Sun was down a further 18.94%.


Single copy sales

Single copy subs

Electronic editions

Total paid

Total free

Total circ

Imm. previous period

Corres. previous period

% change

Beeld, Daily 11 490 12 075 3 325 27 318 973 28 291 29 021 32 797 -13.74%
Burger, Die Daily 16 129 13 936 3 481 34 441 908 35 349 35 415 39 625 -10.79%
Business Day 2 922 5 337 2 025 16 910 2 140 19 050 18 201 18 053 +5.52%
Cape Argus 7 301 4 112 61 13 474 10 292 23 766 23 814 27 245 -12.77%
Cape Times 8 377 4 610 953 15 940 9 652 25 592 25 376 29 523 -13.32%
Citizen, The (Daily) 22 805 1 588 0 27 759 8 600 36 359 36 966 40 481 -10.18%
Daily Dispatch 10 286 2 205 237 13 340 13 340 13 624 15 207 -12.28%
Daily News 2 887 8 654 23 11 915 6 948 18 863 19 606 22 393 -15.76%
Daily Sun 94 143 216 0 94 506 515 95 021 99 485 117 220 -18.94%
Diamond Fields Advertiser 4 869 853 0 5 837 948 6 785 6 336 7 113 -4.61%
Herald, The 8 064 3 494 1 070 12 967 12 967 14 342 14 793 -12.34%
Isolezwe 59 443 745 41 60 317 431 60 748 60 651 72 495 -16.20%
Mercury, The 5 820 8 002 59 14 517 6 636 21 153 21 202 24 402 -13.31%
Pretoria News 5 832 763 0 8 510 1 471 9 981 9 942 12 478 -20.01%
Son (Daily) 40 499 13 0 40 538 75 40 613 43 206 51 520 -21.17%
Sowetan 33 686 865 170 38 294 14 280 52 574 55 248 70 737 -25.68%
Star, The 19 990 4 460 0 33 128 23 891 57 019 55 889 72 010 -20.82%
Volksblad – Daily 4 308 5 419 1 330 11 688 225 11 913 11 931 13 341 -10.70%
Witness, The 3 014 6 071 0 9 779 136 9 915 9 935 10 779 -8.02%

Weekly papers


Single copy sales

Single copy subs


Total paid

Total free

Total circ

Immediate previous period

Corresponding previous period

% change

Burger, Die Friday 5 363 3 002 732 9 129 28 9 157 9 502 New member
Ilanga 50 029 213 0 50 242 50 242 50 966 57 965 -13.32%
Mail & Guardian 11 503 1 263 514 13 830 6 529 20 359 20 739 23 605 -13.75%
Post, The 17 434 14 123 56 31 701 3 923 35 624 36 699 37 553 -5.14%
Soccer Laduma 187 219 0 61 187 280 187 280 191 897 224 186 -16.46%

Weekend papers


Single copy sales

Single copy subs


Total paid

Total free

Total circ

Immediate previous period

Corresponding previous period

% change

Beeld, Saturday 10 290 20 821 2 976 34 198 342 34 540 35 649 38 808 -11%
Burger, Die Saturday 21 817 23 055 3 223 48 475 826 49 301 48 888 52 712 -6%
Citizen, The (Saturday) 14 135 732 0 15 201 20 15 221 14 895 28 621 -47%
City Press 31 484 1 651 0 33 224 615 33 839 34 694 46 198 -27%
Daily Dispatch Weekend Edition (formerly Saturday Dispatch) 8 387 2 175 231 11 822 11 822 12 048 13 132 -10%
Ilanga Langesonto 27 751 15 0 27 766 27 766 29 573 33 066 -16%
Independent on Saturday 6 400 12 432 30 19 097 6 041 25 138 24 927 35 227 -29%
Isolezwe ngeSonto 44 065 430 37 44 554 5 44 559 44 091 55 230 -19%
Isolezwe ngoMgqibelo 45 510 392 22 45 946 2 45 948 46 231 57 143 -20%
Pretoria News Saturday 2 485 586 0 4 203 1 037 5 240 5 139 7 057 -26%
Rapport 59 554 20 361 9 882 90 043 350 90 393 95 556 105 784 -15%
Saturday Star, The 13 116 4 036 0 20 654 10 152 30 806 30 238 39 386 -22%
Son op Sondag 16 911 1 0 16 914 130 17 044 18 011 32 797 -48%
Sunday Sun 33 370 452 0 33 885 408 34 293 33 356 44 893 -24%
Sunday Times 103 259 32 289 4 350 150 972 55 210 206 182 200 734 240 180 -14%
Sunday Tribune 7 468 22 073 54 29 687 8 283 37 970 37 491 48 181 -21%
Sunday World 30 061 4 478 238 35 232 35 232 38 120 40 383 -13%
The Southern Cross 5 323 464 227 6 107 670 6 777 6 418 6 803 0%
Volksblad – Saturday 3 101 7 358 1 118 12 122 176 12 298 12 499 13 974 -12%
Weekend Argus 12 264 5 768 98 21 948 15 971 37 919 37 305 49 681 -24%
Weekend Post 8 129 2 347 1 042 11 716 11 716 13 493 13 850 -15%
Weekend Witness 3 235 5 677 0 9 046 112 9 158 9 351 10 201 -10%

The MarkLives’ Biggest Circulation Per Issue Newspaper List*

Q1 2020

  1. Sunday Times: 206 182
  2. Soccer Laduma: 187 280
  3. Daily Sun: 95 021
  4. Rapport: 90 393
  5. Isolezwe: 60 748
  6. The Star: 57 019
  7. Sowetan: 52 574
  8. Ilanga: 50 242 New entry
  9. Die Burger (Saturday): 49 301 New entry
  10. Isolezwe ngoMgqibelo: 45 948 -2
  11. Isolezwe ngeSonto: 44 559
  12. Son: 40 613

*South African titles only. Must have a cover price. Excludes free papers.

See also


Herman Manson 2017Herman Manson (@marklives) is the founder and editor of

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