
by MediaSlut (@MediaSlut) My choice of the best international and local magazine covers inMagLove this week:

  • Click
  • Playboy
  • Time Out New York
  • Variety
  • Woolworths TASTE
  • Men’s Health South Africa


Click, September/October 2014

Click, September/October 2014

C is for “Click” and “CUTE” and “cover”! So basically, a really cute cover by Click magazine…

Playboy, October 2014

Playboy, October 2014

I love it when magazines break the buttons mould and tries something different with cover lines, and this cover of Playboy is the perfect example! Very over-photoshopped, yes, but the cover line patch stickers definitely stand out for me and was done very well. Well, that, and something else ;-)

Time Out New York, 18 September 2014

Time Out New York, 18 September 2014

Definitely one of those covers where the image explains exactly what the cover story is about, illustrates it brilliantly and is really well-executed!

Variety, September 2014

Variety, September 2014

Smart illustration, and a very smart play on words.


Woolworths TASTE, October 2014

 Woolworths TASTE, October 2014

Spring hasn’t completely arrived for me yet, as the wather in Cape Town is still very wishy-washy, but the new October 2014 cover of Woolworths TASTE has definitely brought it home to me (visually!). The colours, styling and final image definitely all come together in one delicious scoop…

Men’s Health South Africa, October 2014

 Men’s Health South Africa, October 2014: K2 Twin Charlie Kotze

Men’s Health South Africa, October 2014: K2 Twin Alex Kotze

I’ve been following the K2 Twins Alex and Charlie Kotze since way before they became ‘famous’, so it’s really nice to see how they’ve shot up in the past few months, and now have their very own Men’s Health South Africa cover. Each!

Brilliantly timed by Men’s Health as they are just about everywhere now, and their fan base is growing week after week.

Find a cover we should know about? Tweet us at @Marklives and @MediaSlut.
Want to view all the covers at a glance?
See our MagLove Pinboard!

MediaSlutMagLove by @MediaSlut is a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week, recognising well thought-out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three-in-one) covers and celebrating the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them. The (for now anonymous) blogger behind MediaSlutknows way too much for his own good about media in South Africa, magazines in particular. His mission is to show when SA magazines fail but, most importantly, also when they succeed. If you’re looking for a library about SA magazines and news, this is your one-stop pitstop.

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