
Andy Rice (@ricecommaandy) talks about his best advert of the week — Yellow Pages — in tribute to British ad legend David Abbott, who passed away earlier this week, and his worst ad of the week — Emirates — with Jenny Crwys-Williams (@jcwLIFE) during The Ad Feature on Talk Radio 702 (@Radio702).

Find out why these brands feature in this week’s Heroes & Zeros webisode by watching below:

For a fresh look at the world of advertising, Jenny Crwys-Williams of 702 Talk Radio chats to advertising critic Andy Rice on The Ad Feature, every Wednesday 2.30pm — 3pm. The filmed Heroes & Zeroes will appear on MarkLives every week as a webisode.

— MarkLives’ round-up of top ad and media industry news and opinion in your mailbox every three work days. Sign up here!

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