Share runs a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week. We recognise well thought out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three in one) magazine covers and celebrate the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them. By media blogger MediaSlut.



The Traveller, November 2012

In-flight magazines are definitely no longer boring and these days are really competing with creative cover concepts! The Traveller is the in-flight magazine for easyJet and with this cover they saying that “anyone can build their own amazing trip” with their affordable flight prices. Love the concept! 

El Mundo Magazine, 28 October 2012

El Mundo’s magazine just did something small with the image of Felix Baumgartner on their cover (flipped it), and now it’s something completely different than other titles that also featured Felix on the cover. I think the simplicity of it all is what gives it impact.

Donna, November 2012

I wrote a post a few weeks ago where I felt that Magazine covers could actually be pieces of art that people can actually buy and display. This is one of them, and very appropriate with Lady Gaga almost coming to South Africa, and a few groups trying to boycot her from coming.

The New York Times Style Magazine, Design & Living, Winter 2012

They’ve done similar covers before, with different types of material and objects forming and showcasing the famous ‘t’ but this one is also worth a mention because of creativity and effort that went into it all.

– The (for now anonymous) blogger behind MediaSlut knows way too much for his own good about media in South Africa. Magazines in particular. His mission is to show when South African magazines might fail, but most importantly, succeed. If you’re looking for a library about South African magazines and news, your one-stop pitstop is MediaSlut. #MagazinesForTheWin

– Find a cover we should know about? Tweet us @marklives and @mediaslut
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