Heroes & Zeros: Pantene & PDMSA — best & worst brands of the week

Andy Rice (@ricecommaandy) talks about his best and worst brands of the week — Pantene and Print & Digital Media South Africa (PDMSA) — with Jenny Crwys-Williams during The Ad Feature on Talk Radio 702.

NAB/SAARF fight will force more realistic readership measures for print

by Gill Moodie (@GrubstreetSA) What an illuminating morning I spent today at the joint South African Audience Research Foundation (Saarf)/National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) presentation on the way forward for TV research now that the NAB has given notice of its resignation from Saarf (effective 31 December 2014). Last month I wrote a piece about what lies behind the Saarf/NAB fight and after today’s frank question-and-answer time (the most interesting were the questions from media planners), I’m sticking with what I wrote earlier but can a bit more.

What struck me at their recent presentation in Cape Town is that:

1. The broadcasters are relishing their role of rocking the boat;

2. That they are genuinely pleased that TV market research is now going to be more comprehensive and more credible; and

3. That there’s a general smugness about that fact that it’s maybe time for print to get its comeuppance (though this was never stated).

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