
by Herman Manson (@marklives) Launching communications company Bain & Bunkell is a brave new play in a tough and rapidly changing market — but it’s certainly heartening to see there is still appetite in the industry to take an entrepreneurial plunge.

Jonathan Bain and Simon Bunkell met at M&C Saatchi Johannesburg, where the former had been creative strategy partner and the latter a managing partner.

Simon Bunkell and Jonathan Bain
Simon Bunkell and Jonathan Bain

They’ve both been around for a while, says Bain, running on the general agency hamster wheel. A year ago, they teamed up to launch their own agency, the aforementioned Bain & Bunkell.

Their offering unites creativity and strategy — a combination they feel sits too far apart in larger agencies. With their agency, the creative department is exposed to the client upfront and this ensures better creative output, according to Bunkell.

Their major client is FedGroup, for which Bain & Bunkell recently created an integrated campaign consisting of print, outdoor, radio, digital, PR, social media and more (see below). Impressive for an agency of four people!

Bain & Bunkel logoProjects have been completed for clients as diverse as Saxo Capital Markets, Sir Fruit/Sir Juice and Lay’s Kenya.

In its credentials document, Bain & Bunkell says that, as an agency, “they form respectful relationships with their clients and they know a lot about brands. But they never forget what all this is ultimately about. The people doing the shopping.”

The recent vacuuming up of independent agencies by global networks, says Bunkell, has opened up a lot of space in the market for new entrants. The duo have set out on an aggressive new business-acquisition strategy, identifying people with whom they’d like to collaborate on future projects.

Case study: FedGroup

Source: Jonathan Bain, Bain & Bunkell

Founded in 1990, FedGroup is a financial services company that prides itself on independent thinking. It has a very strong point-of-view on the business of investing, focusing upon maximising the final client pay-out rather than monthly installments.

For its retirement product campaign, aimed at small- to medium-sized businesses, FedGroup approached Bain & Bunkell for strategic-creative input. After thorough research, a comprehensive communication approach was presented. From a brand perspective, FedGroup should celebrate its (sometimes stubborn) independence. For the retirement offering, this translates as presenting consumers with simple, transparent options. No double-speak. No complications. No hidden fees.

The work itself is aimed at employers, as well as their employees. It’s based upon the insight that people don’t like talking about retirement because, ultimately, it’s an admission that they’re getting older. So this issue was tackled head on — even if you’re in denial about your age, you really need to start considering what happens after you stop working. Ask your HR department some questions. Start a conversation.

The executions are deliberately provocative. Individuals are portrayed who have spent too much on plastic surgery, and too little investing in their futures. They are the uber-denialists — but we’re all sometimes guilty of putting the inevitable off ‘until tomorrow’.

The campaign broke at the beginning of March 2015, and the response so far has been good. Even those who are ‘shocked’ by the imagery understand the rationale. This is gratifying. ‘Weird work’ hasn’t been done for the sake of weird work. A serious point is being made, from an independently-minded brand, that is speaking to consumers in an authentic tone of voice.

Billboard ad example:

FedGroup billboard 2

Newspaper ad example:

FedGroup newspaper ad

Radio ad examples:

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Published by Herman Manson is edited by Herman Manson. Follow us on Twitter -

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