Share runs a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week. We recognise well thought out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three in one) magazine covers and celebrate the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them. By media blogger MediaSlut.


TIME, 11 March 2013


“Man. Superman. Gunman.” Chilling words. Super cover. Can’t wait for my issue to arrive in the post!

Time Out (London), 18 February 2013

Time Out London

The previous Time Out London cover was really ‘naughty’ (and also featured as one of our favourite covers last week), and this week they’ve used the same look and feel and created and little funny (and genius) graphic portraying “Drugs in London”. Seems like the creative team is really having a lot of fun these days…

The Economist, 25 February 2013

Striking, but sad and true, cover/text graphic illustrating “the death of Syria”.

Texas Monthly, March 2013

Texas Monthly

This image of Lance Armstrong makes him seem vulnerable. It’s a winning image, and great use of cover lines. You can read the full article here.

Populous, Issue 8


Baseball. I don’t know anything about this sport, but I really like the creative use of ‘while chalk’ in the masthead, that fits into what’s happening elsewhere on the cover.

– The (for now anonymous) blogger behind MediaSlut knows way too much for his own good about media in South Africa. Magazines in particular. His mission is to show when South African magazines might fail, but most importantly, succeed. If you’re looking for a library about South African magazines and news, your one-stop pitstop is MediaSlut. #MagazinesForTheWin

– Find a cover we should know about? Tweet us @marklives and @mediaslut
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