Ad ‘an attack on humour’


Romans Pizza has pulled its Boerizza TV ad featuring a blonde woman playing dumb and common. A viewer complained to the Advertising Standards Authority stating that the ad constituted “an attack on Afrikaans white women who are marginalized. It portrays this group of society as being backward and sex crazed.”

Romans got in attorneys Klagsbrun (ouch) De Vries and Van Deventer to tell the ASA that its client did not wish “to offend the integrity of the Afrikaner” and that it will pull the ad voluntarily. Beeld headlines the story Ad ‘an attack on Afrikaners.’

Firstly the ad was never very funny. I for one won’t miss it. Secondly the complainant misses the boat in that he believes the ad to be an attack on Afrikaner women (one Tweep recons it’s an attack on TV viewers) when it quite simply films one of those tasteless dumb blonde jokes Afrikaner (ok all) men tell one another at every braai in the history of braais.

The ad is sexist, I guess not very many women buy Romans Pizza, and for that reason alone would have been better left unflighted. That said if that is the way a brand wants to shoot itself in the foot I don’t believe the PC brigade need to interfere to save it from itself.


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