An interesting time in Southern African politics. Locally we have seen the launch of COPE and the relaunch of the DA. Now neighbouring Zimbabwe might find itself facing a split in the ruling Zanu (PF). Business Day reports that “leaders of the former opposition PF-Zapu party are poised to break away from President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu (PF) party after weekend talks to avert a revolt failed.” Dumiso Dabengwa is said to be the man behind the move to revive PF-Zapu.
According to Wikipedia it contested the 1980 elections in Zimbabwe as the Patriotic Front, but lost to its rival the ZANU. They merged into ZANU-PF in 1987 following the Gukurahundi massacres in Matabeleland.
The move is expected to weaken Robert Mugabe’s already beleaguered regime.