2 replies on “Jupiter Cape Town’s year for living dangerously”

  1. Whilst this is a good article it brings forth some pertinent points.

    Who in any organisation monitors and measures relationships with stakeholders? Surely there must have been signs, incidents, issues, bones of contention, etc that could serve as some indicator of the relationship regressing?

    It also serves as a warning for those of us who coast in our relationships. Just beacuse stakeholders have not used words or visual symbols to show their dissatisfaction, does not mean they are happy.

    Every situation have a root cause. If you did root cause analysis of what happened above, I am sure that you can list the factors and issues on the surface which would have indicated deeper meanings. A Skilled facilitator could have helped you with the gap analysis long before.

    As Shunryu Suzuki said: “In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities. In the expert’s mind there are few.

    In business, every day is opening day, and remaining humble is vital.

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