runs a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week. We recognise well thought out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three in one) magazine covers and celebrate the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them. By media blogger MediaSlut.
Previous TOP 10 lists:
It’s impossible for us to see all the covers published during 2012 so we’re sure that are worse covers out there. This is a selections of covers we found or that readers sent us. If one of your covers were selected – it’s nothing personal! Remember that you can leave a comment to let us know if you agree, or think we totally missed the mark…
Coming up:
4 January 2013: The 10 sexiest magazine covers of 2012! Tweet your nominations to @mediaslut!
Special mention: Pulp, #4, 2012-12-20
10. Cosmopolitan (Poland), June 2012
Poor Katarzyna Cichopek is photoshopped to death on the Polish edition of Cosmopolitan. She might as well not have been at the shoot.
9. Playboy South Africa, January / February 2012
I love the simple (and sexy) Black & White picture with the pink text, but unfortunately, as someone pointed out correctly, it’s been photoshopped way too much. And what on earth is going on with her toes…?
8. Food & Home, April 2012
I generally like the Food & Home covers, but unfortunately they dropped the ball (or what ever that thing is…)* with their April 2012 (winter?) cover. Too many brown-tones, and then there’s a big blop of something in the middle that doesn’t make it look very appetizing. *It’s Plum and Apple Crumble. [The odd combination of fonts lets it down as well – ED)
7. Amica (Italy), December 2012
Scary! [Understatement – ED]
6. The New Republic, 12 July 2012
Something might be ‘rotten’ in Britain but it’s not cool pushing your agenda (and sales) by giving Kate Middleton bad teath…
5. TV Guide, 10 September 2012
I like Jimmy Kimmel, but I did not need to see him dressed like this… Maybe it’s an American thing that I don’t get. [More Gaga than Vogue’s attempt below. – ED]
4. Vogue, September 2012
Firstly, it doesn’t look like Lady Gaga, and there’s no chance in hell that her body proportions can really look like this. Especially not when looking at this behind-the-scenes video… I get that it’s a high-fashion cover, but for a title like Vogue to go this drastic route is a big no-no for me.
3. Magazine Fuera de Serie, August 2012
One of the magazine covers that caused the biggest uproar in the world in 2012 and rightly so. A deserving number 3.
2. Marie Claire South Africa, August 2012
I get the concept of the cover, and completely support it. You can read my personal view on the cover here (and the story behind it all). When I asked my Twitter followers which cover they would put in this Top 10 list the most replies via Twitter and e-mails related to “The Kate Middleton Marie Claire cover”. The twitterati have spoken! A cover that will unfortunately haunt Marie Claire for years to come. [She should have sued for being photoshopped into _that_ dress – ED]
1. Africa’s Bowhunter, October 2012
And at #1… Africa’s Bowhunting magazine! And yes – it’s an actual magazine with a circulation of just under 10 000. Do you think they’re trying to make Bowhunting sexy? Not really working… The cover model looks extremely uncomfortable. [Why did nobody do his hair before the, uhm, shoot? – ED]
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