by Wayne Naidoo. The responsibility weighs heavily on everyone to ensure we implement every possible measure to ensure safety for our staff, suppliers and customers, now we’re at level 2.
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Q5: Monalisa Zwambila on PR, present and post-pandemic [interview]
by Carey Finn. The Riverbed Agency founder and CEO talks about the shape of PR during and after the pandemic.
BREAKING: Joe Public United now majority-black‑owned
by MarkLives. Joe Public United has announced that 60% of the company has been acquired by black shareholders.
Making meaning in the mess #coronavirusSA
by Wayne Naidoo. I can’t help but think that this coronavirus might be the very thing that could cure the ills of our ailing industry.
#CoronavirusSA: ‘Crisis reveals character’
by Wayne Naidoo. I can’t help but marvel at humankind and how we’re choosing to show up at in this uncertain time.
#BigQ2020: Back to the future
by Wayne Naidoo. Just perhaps, in 2020 we should ditch all the cleverness and great new things and focus on the going back to the old ways of doing things, the ways that worked and created powerful, memorable advertising?
#BigReads2019: Adland’s most read about people in 2019
by Herman Manson. We list the creative people most read about on MarkLives during 2019.
EXCLUSIVE: Duke, Mark1, Positive Dialogue team up for scale
by Herman Manson. Five years after launching Duke, CEO Wayne Naidoo, has announced the launch of the Duke Group.