by Jason Stewart. Here are some key lessons that brands may take from the anti-perfection trend.
Search results for: Dove real beauty
Feminism is not a marketing strategy
by Leigh Tayler. What is, if any, a brand’s right to participate in the women’s movement or to leverage feminism in its communication?
Why Things Matter: The relationship between consumer & product
by Marguerite de Villiers. Humanity has the ability to create and transform the material world and, in return, we are shaped by it.
Emotional storytelling and what brands forget to tell
by Tenielle Maris. Human storytelling has the innate ability to make a brand more engaging and more authentic, if done in the right way.
Ad Exec: Bystanding brands, it’s time to act
by Tom Fels. The African Renaissance ideal seems today to be challenged in its own authenticity. The dialogue is clearly shifting — are brands?
Shelf Life: Kilmer & Cruise dream big with Hill’s Pet Nutrition
Hill’s and Kilmer & Cruise create Dr Seuss for dogs; Dove’s latest reveal; and The Macallan in SA — Cheryl Hunter’s weekly pick!
Homegrown: Man-vertising, the shifting codes of masculinity
by Lynne Gordon. Marketers need to embrace new constructs to create “man-vertising” that speaks to new ideas of masculinity.
Brand Culture: P&G’s new mom
by DK Badenhorst. It seems that motherhood is also shifting — maybe not in response to fatherhood but to what we think of femininity.
Green Sky Thinking: Successful strat for sustainable marketing
by Colwyn Elder. If you’ve read about the benefits of building purpose-driven brands, but remain unsure of what and how to do it, read on.
Green Sky Thinking: Doing well by doing good
by Colwyn Elder (@colwynelder) Of note is that the UK’s IPA Effectiveness Awards has recently announced a new category prize in 2016 to recognise those commercial campaigns that generate not only economic value, but also value to society.