by Herman Manson. We kick off this week with the Jozi creative leaders most admired by their peers during 2018.
Search results for: Ahmed Tilly
#AgencyLeaders2017: Most admired creative leader in South Africa
by Herman Manson. Today we reveal which creative leaders were most admired by their peers in South Africa during 2017!
#AgencyLeaders2017: Most admired ad agency boss in South Africa
by Herman Manson. Today we reveal which agency leaders were most admired by their peers in South Africa during 2017.
#AgencyLeaders2017: Most admired creative leader in Jozi
by Herman Manson. Today we reveal which agency creative leaders were most admired by their peers in Jozi during 2017.
#BigReads2017: Transformation, ratings, circulations & other issues
by Herman Manson. We list the best-read media and marketing stories on MarkLives during 2017.
#BigReads2017: It’s all about the people, y’know
by Herman Manson. We list the most-read-about people on MarkLives during 2017.
The heart of BEE is our own minds
by Jarred Cinman. This piece on black economic empowerment (BEE) is for those who desire transformation but for whom it keeps feeling just out of reach.
Agency Life: The black elephant in the room — part 3
by TJ Njozela. My people, I’m just going to go straight into it. Sorry, not sorry.
Suhana Gordhan’s 23c on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over several weeks, we’ve been featuring pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — next up is Suhana Gordan.
Transforming adland — straddling the line between utopia & reality
by Lynn Madeley. The transformation conversation in marketing and comms in South Africa has had much less engagement from us white ad execs. Why?