Agency Leaders: 2014’s most-admired ad agency in Cape Town

by Herman Manson. Every year, MarkLives polls South Africa’s top agency leaders to find out what they think of their competitors, whom they see as effective managers and great creatives, and where they believe their future competition is likely to come from. Today, we publish the results of our regional Cape Town poll.

MetropolitanRepublic Cape Town means business

by Herman Manson (@marklives) MetropolitanRepublic recently launched its new Cape Town office under the leadership of Josie Fisher. The agency is renting an impressively large open plan office space in trendy De Waterkant. Still mostly empty of people Fisher and her team sees the office as an expression of confidence in their ability to scale quickly an win new business.

Hermaneutics: A tale of three award ceremonies

by Herman Manson. It’s like inviting Bucks Fizz to MC a champagne & sparkling wine event. I’m of course talking about flying in MC Hammer to MC the Loerie Awards on Sunday evening, or not, as the case might be.

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