by Samantha Fuller. Almost overnight, marketers’ audience changed. The news cycle moved to focus almost solely on covid-19, and the media world shrank, making it harder to get our news out to the public.
Search results for: crisis communications
#CoronavirusSA: In crisis, the binary power of legal+comms
by Candice Luis. Covid-19 is presenting legal and crisis teams with unprecedented challenges; now, more than ever, we need to come together as we navigate this uncharted territory.
#CoronavirusSA: From crisis to consciousness
by Tom Fels. As we rebuild, here are five areas in which we can take strategic advantage of the situation to foster more-conscious business.
Surviving the court of public opinion — the new age of crisis
by Candice Luis. Have companies considered their potential crises and are they truly ready to deal with the biggest crisis trajectory of all time: the court of public opinion?
Brands & Branding: Preventing an issue becoming a crisis
by Kajsa Claude. When working in crisis communications, it’s very important to differentiate between a crisis and an issue.
The Power Report: Brand promises are risky if you’re not crisis-ready
by Megan Power. Too often the pacts that brands make with us are broken, with trust eroded.
Brands & Branding: Analysing the communications of Murray & Roberts
by Nadia Lotze & Kelly Duncan. Sometimes sticking to your guns may cause you to shoot yourself in the foot.
The Brand Bubble – The Looming Brand Crisis and How to Avoid It
Data from the world’s largest study of consumer attitudes and perceptions on brands reveals that investors are increasingly overvaluing brands while at the same time consumers are losing trust and interest in them. Considering that a third of shareholder value is brand value, this growing disconnect should be of urgent concern to CEOs, marketers, analysts and investors.
Brands & Branding: Reputation risk to inform decisions
by Grace-Anne Belger. Proactively planning for a reputational crisis is half the battle won.
#TheInterlocker: Facebook • Trust • Media relations • SEO • Fake news
by MarkLives. Glen Bvuma, Samantha Watt, Larry Khumalo, Sam Swaine and Franco D’Onofrio each share something they believe their PR peers would benefit from reading.