a trendMARK feature by Mike Wronski (@mikewronski) Technology continues to disrupt marketing, but will enable brands to get closer to consumers in 2014. The big question will be whether people want marketing to come any closer. Let’s take a look at technology trends for marketing in 2014.
Search results for: trendMARK
#trendMARK: Reality ain’t what it used to be
By Jon Pienaar The lines between the digital and the real worlds are becoming blurred, as technology breaks down the barriers between our screens and our environment.
#trendMARK: The future of measuring communication effectiveness
a trendMARK feature by Francois van Dyk. There is a revolution around the corner facing PR and communications professionals, as modern, more reliable effectiveness measurement standards are introduced.
#trendMARK: From smart phones to smart things
a trendMARK feature by Dave Duarte (@DaveDuarte) What if advertising wasn’t something you saw, but something you used? Let’s unpack digital marketing and the internet of things.
#trendMARK: The smartest tech trends for 2014
a trendMARK feature by Jon Pienaar. Let’s take a look at four smart tech trends in 2014, including: the Idiot Box becomes the Smart TV; wearable tech; 3D printing; andP@$$w0rd5 are history
#trendMARK: Social media commerce in the Reassurance Economy
a trendMARK feature by Dion Chang (@DionChang) Let’s talk about retail disruption and other top trends for 2014, including: social media commerce; catering to the millennial palate; the reassurance economy; and millennial martyrs (the big data backlash).
#trendMARK: Nigeria’s retail deathmatch
a trendMARK feature by Gugu Mtshali. Nigeria, with its burgeoning middle class of repatriated professionals, is poised to undergo a sea-change in Retail, as South African chains enter the high street, to compete with both the locals and online stores.
#trendMARK: Sustainability — more of a truth than a trend
a trendMARK feature by Shauneen Procter (@procter101) Guilt-free shopping and sustainable business practices are ‘hot’ trends for 2014. About time, as I believe that these should rather be common business sense.
#trendMARK: Digital does not evolve — it mutates
a trendMARK feature by Andy Gilder (@Andy_Gilder) If you’re chasing the “next big thing” you may end up chasing your own tail, when the answer could be a lot simpler and closer to home. I refuse to bark up the wrong tree.
Hermaneutics: What adland should learn in 2014 from 2013 #trendMARK
by Herman Manson (@marklives) What lessons can South Africa’s advertising agencies learn from the year that was? We offer a few. This feature first ran in trendMark. Read or download the full magazine via Issuu.