by Herman Manson. Mike Schalit, CCO and co-founder of Net#work BBDO SA, would much rather appoint a strategist than a creative to his agency today.
Search results for: mike schalit
Mike Barnwell says agency language should change
Mike Barnwell, the recently appointed ECD at Draftfcb Cape Town, wants agency language focused on compartmentalising the communications trade to go. Instead of below-, above- or even through-the-line thinking, he wants his agency to talk about strategically sound solutions instead.
Pepe Marais’s 23c on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over several weeks, we’ve been featuring pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — next up is Pepe Marais.
Suhana Gordhan’s 23c on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over several weeks, we’ve been featuring pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — next up is Suhana Gordan.
Gerry Human’s 23c on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over several weeks, we’ve been featuring pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — next up is Gerry Human.
Neo Mashigo’s 23c on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over several weeks, we’ve been featuring pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — next up is Neo Mashigo.
Mariana O’Kelly’s 23c worth on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over the next few weeks, we will feature pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — first up is Mariana O’Kelly.
Originality and integrity in a new advertising reality
by Herman Manson. Net#work BBDO says it didn’t plagiarise an ad by Canada’s John St. for Tangerine Bank. And Mike Schalit has the timelines to prove it.
Masterclass Notes: Clients are from Mars, creatives are from Pluto!
by Johanna McDowell. Mike Schalit, CCO of BBDO South Africa, recently conducted a “Evaluating creative against strategy” masterclass.
An ‘orsom’ press release from Net#work ‘and other peeple’
We received this ‘orsom’ press release from Mike Schalit, chief creative officer at BBDO SA, on a new ad his agency just made for Chicken Licken.