by Carey Finn. The Ogilvy Joburg managing partner PR and influence talks about the real value of communications, PR and branding in times of both crisis and calm.
Search results for: hyper-personalisation
#BigQ2020: Personal, visual & always visible
by Shaune Jordaan. Personal, visual and always visible — these are the ingredients for connecting with customers in 2020.
Individualisation as a marketing strategy
by Jay Thomson. Personalisation, hyper-personalisation and individualisation are all terms that speak to customers’ growing preference for online content and solutions that place the individual at the centre of the strategy.
#BigQ2018: Brands just need to be smart to reap rewards
by MarkLives. What are the expectations for the marketing and advertising industry in 2018? Next up is Nimay Parekh of King James Digital.
Motive: How brands can help us win back the internet
by Dan Herman (@elhermo) What can we, as brands and marketers, do to navigate the minefield that the online environment has become? How do we turn back the tide of brutality and negativity, and drive digital back towards the ideal it was intended to be? How do we stay relevant and be heard without contributing to the turmoil?