Extract: Africa culturally predisposed to succeeding in future world of work

by Amanda Murray & Nokuthula Radebe. Africa’s rich diversity dividend and existing informal economic structure and skills acquisition processes closely match those of the emerging global gig economy.

#AgencyFocus: O’Brian — when David competes with Goliath

by Sabrina Forbes. This is a story of enterprise in a time of political and economic transformation, and highlights how good, solid, quality work far outreaches a fancy name or group title.

#Transformers: A brave new remote-working world

by Charlie Mathews & Kyle de Waal. The big lesson that has come from covid-19 is how adaptable people are, and how transformation is critical to becoming #FutureFit.

#Transformers: Collaboration for transformation

by Charlie Mathews. Doing something meaningful about the credit crisis is a national priority, which is why it’s great to see Pep Stores innovating by collaborating with a crowd-driven NGO to help pay off consumer debt.

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