by Amanda Murray & Nokuthula Radebe. Africa’s rich diversity dividend and existing informal economic structure and skills acquisition processes closely match those of the emerging global gig economy.
Search results for: gig economy
#AgencyFocus: O’Brian — when David competes with Goliath
by Sabrina Forbes. This is a story of enterprise in a time of political and economic transformation, and highlights how good, solid, quality work far outreaches a fancy name or group title.
Market Research Wrap: The elusive upper 30% income segment of SA
Getting the right data; wine exports up; and gigs and side hustles — Cheryl Hunter’s weekly wrap of the latest market and consumer research.
#AgencyFocus: Grid Worldwide, putting the G in g-force
by Sabrina Forbes. By definition, a grid is a network of wires by which sources of power are distributed, and Grid Worldwide does just that through its unique, design-led work.
#Transformers: A brave new remote-working world
by Charlie Mathews & Kyle de Waal. The big lesson that has come from covid-19 is how adaptable people are, and how transformation is critical to becoming #FutureFit.
#Transformers: Collaboration for transformation
by Charlie Mathews. Doing something meaningful about the credit crisis is a national priority, which is why it’s great to see Pep Stores innovating by collaborating with a crowd-driven NGO to help pay off consumer debt.
Q5: How to create better content, with Matt Potter [interview]
by Carey Finn. The John Brown Media UK chief content officer has strong feelings about content. Get it right, and you’ve got a lifelong brand relationship, he reckons.
EDITORIAL: A decade of MarkLives
by Herman Manson. Ten years ago today, MarkLives debuted on the South African web — the continuation of more than a decade’s worth of work in the marketing and advertising trade news world.
Dissident Spin Doctor: Masterclass PR lessons from our new president
by Emma King. Our new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, has shown that he’s a master of a good PR stunt.
Shelf Life: A Retroviral revamp for Russell Hobbs SA
Art of Living from Russell Hobbs; CareerSteezy TV for SA campuses; and Mbongiworks, Rajah Spice in One Pot — Cheryl Hunter’s weekly picks!