by Mikayla Erasmus & Joe Mwase. Brands may play a part in social change by creating communications and messaging that empower women.
Search results for: femvertising
Feminism is not a marketing strategy
by Leigh Tayler. What is, if any, a brand’s right to participate in the women’s movement or to leverage feminism in its communication?
Headspace: New normal — shaking free from gender-based stereotypes
by Tenielle Maris. Gender discrimination remains one such obstacle that continues to pervade the way in which consumers view not only themselves but also the rest of society.
Kenzo World — good old-fashioned fun with good old-fashioned codes
by DK Badenhorst. What is it about this piece of communication that leaves us so intrigued?
Brand Culture: P&G’s new mom
by DK Badenhorst. It seems that motherhood is also shifting — maybe not in response to fatherhood but to what we think of femininity.
Brand Culture: Evolution of masculinity
by DK Badenhorst. In recent years, we’ve seen big shifts in masculinity and the way in which gender roles not only define themselves.