Q5: Kirsty Dugmore on evidence-based marketing [interview]

by Carey Finn. The chief growth officer at SugaSpice unpacks this concept for us, adding behavioural economics and neuromarketing to the mix.

Green Sky Thinking: A nudge in the right direction

by Colwyn Elder (@colwynelder) The school of Behavioural Economics, or Nudge theory as it has popularly become known, has enjoyed increasing attention from our industry over recent years. It was pushed through the IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) by advocate Rory Sutherland, during his year as chairman and has been growing in popularity ever since.

Only Connect Podcast: How CMOs can use data to be sense-makers

by Bradley Elliott. Uber Eats SA GM Ailyssa Pretorius and I chat about why data is critical to sustaining competitive brand advantage in this first Only Connect Podcast and transcript.

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