by Sabrina Forbes. The production house that brought you viral shows such as SuzelleDIY and Tali’s Wedding Diary began as an idea in a bedroom.
Search results for: Suzelle DIY
Interview: Julia Anastasopoulos on building brand SuzelleDIY
by Herman Manson. Julia Anastasopoulos talks to us about partnering with brands, monetising her show and expanding content channels.
Ad of the Week: Takealot of this DIY Christmas Special with Suzelle
by Oresti Patricios (@orestaki) Suzelle DIY is a “Bitesized Do-It-Yourself Webseries” conceived by filmmaker and animator Ari Kruger and illustrator/designer Julia Anastasopoulos. In December 2014, online retailer used the holiday season and four episodes to promote the brand, as well as its wish list feature— and I think it’s a very clever association.
Ad of the Week: Suzelle meets Nataniël at Checkers
by Oresti Patricios (@orestaki) I can’t always say that our choice for Ad of the Week is a ‘slam dunk’, but this week there’s no doubt. Checkers has scored a massive win by pairing its brand ambassador, Nataniël, with new local YouTube sensation, ‘Suzelle’ of Suzelle DIY.
Ad of the Week: Kulula’s #travelhaters you gonna love
by Oresti Patricios. kulula’s standout commercial comedy always raises chuckles, and its new TVC campaign — from McCann Johannesburg and Hammerhead TV — is alive with the laughs.
2016 Big Reads: Media & marketing
by Herman Manson. We list the best-read media and marketing stories on MarkLives during 2016.
#OpenAfrica: Luke Mckend on Google’s African opportunity
an #OpenAfricaMag feature. Google Africa has ramped up its skills programme and aims to train 1m Africans in digital skills over the next year.
2015 Big Reads: The creative work you made time to read about in 2015
by MarkLives. Find out which were the 10 most-read stories talking about creative work on MarkLives in 2015!
#AdoftheYear: South Africa’s best ads 2015 [part 2]
by Oresti Patricios. 2015 — what a brilliant year for innovative advertising! Here are my top three South African adverts for 2015.
Talk Africa: Trust me, I’m famous — Kenyan celebrity power
by Remon Geyser. Our Springleap industry creative panel provides insight into why two Kenyan campaigns have worked for brands.