Brands & Branding: The infinite loop of purposeful & agile brand-building

by Dr Carla Enslin. Consider the infinity loop, in all its seductive and sinuous elegance. But it can also be quite useful as a physical demonstration and metaphor when applied to strategic brand-building.

Brands & Branding: Transformations & emergence of brand ecosystems

by Dr Carla Enslin. The transformations identified here present fundamental outcomes and key performance variables towards the useful development of a customised brand-business metric.

Brands & Branding: Hyperlife feeds insatiable appetite for convenience

by Ailsa Wingfield. With finite time but infinite change, consumers’ expectations don’t stand still. But what does true convenience mean?

Q5: Beyond the hashtag with Ingrid Lotze & Gavin Moffat [interview]

by Carey Finn. The co-founders of join.the.dots Academy and Hers&His weigh in on the way we talk about social justice, and what brands can do to help.

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