Here’s the last of five extracts from Pepe Marais’s first book, “Growing Greatness — A Journey Towards Personal and Business Mastery”.
Search results for: Pepe Marais
Book Extract: Growing Greatness — Pepe Marais on the worst is the best
Here’s the fourth of five extracts from Pepe Marais’s first book, “Growing Greatness — A Journey Towards Personal and Business Mastery”.
Book Extract: Growing Greatness — Pepe Marais on meeting Gareth Leck
Here’s the third of five extracts from Pepe Marais’s first book, “Growing Greatness — A Journey Towards Personal and Business Mastery”, over the next few weeks.
Book Extract: Growing Greatness — Pepe Marais cuts his teeth on booze
Here’s the second of five extracts from Pepe Marais’s first book, “Growing Greatness — A Journey Towards Personal and Business Mastery”, over the next few weeks.
Book Extract: Growing Greatness — Pepe Marais tells us his story
MarkLives is running five extracts from Pepe Marais’s first book, “Growing Greatness — A Journey Towards Personal and Business Mastery”, over the next few weeks. Here is the first.
Pepe Marais’s 23c on what it takes to be a C#D
by MarkLives. Over several weeks, we’ve been featuring pearls of wisdom from Mike Schalit’s Creative#Director book — next up is Pepe Marais.
#OpenAfrica: Pepe Marais — inspiring unity & growth [interview]
an #OpenAfricaMag interview. Open Africa got the advertising man to sit still for a few minutes to answer some pertinent (and impertinent) questions.
Interview: Pepe Marais & Xolisa Dyeshana #designindaba
by Herman Manson. We talk to Pepe Marais and Xolisa Dyeshana of Joe Public on how they started their ad careers, their tools of the trade and what skill sets they think a modern creative director needs to create consistently effective work (even we were surprised).
We should be paid for our thinking, not our time
by Pepe Marais. Only by fixing the calibre of our creative thinking can we start talking about being paid for it.
Ad of the Week: Changing the world, one school at a time
by Oresti Patricios (@orestaki) Education remains a challenge in South Africa and is a space where old apartheid spending still continues to directly impact learner’s outcomes. Ad agency Joe Public, led by Pepe Marais, is part of an organisation that has taken on this challenge — One School at a Time.