We’ve updated our revenue rankings to give an overview of the relative scale of agencies in the South African communications landscape.
Search results for: Magna Carta
MarkLives #AdChamps of the Month [Feb 2020]
by Kyle de Waal & Morgan Botha. Welcome to #AdChamps, a new monthly column where two ‘millennials’ celebrate the outliers — those special ads that connect and engage.
EXCLUSIVE: Gallarelli off to TBWA\SA
by MarkLives. Luca Gallarelli will be replacing Sean Donovan as TBWA\South Africa group CEO, effective 1 December 2019.
TBWA\SA GCEO heading to Asia
by MarkLives. TBWA has tasked South African group CEO, Sean Donovan, with the additional role of TBWA\Asia president.
The Suit: What’s your problem?
by Jason Harrison. If we’re to pitch “the brief” as the starting point for leaps of genius instead, I believe there are three fundamental shifts required.
Welcome to #TheInterlocker!
by MarkLives. We ask a handpicked selection of PR execs to each select ONE feature, news article or research report (accessible online) that they believe would benefit their peers to read and why.
Charl Bassil wants agency partners, not suppliers
by Herman Manson. In 1994, Pernod Ricard South Africa was a one-brand business. Today, the range is extensive.
Millenial Ad-Grad: We need to write the new rules
by Faheem Chaudhry (@FaheemChaudhry) It’s time we write the new rules. It’s time to rethink how we orientate ourselves in the ad industry. We’re in the midst of our own revolution — the consumer revolution. So let’s take a moment to zoom out a little, and focus on what is really going to drive remarkable change for organisations and businesses in the years to come.
The Pitch List: Recent pitches and account moves in South Africa
by Johanna McDowell (@jomcdowell) The Pitch List is a new monthly summary of recently completed pitches. It draws data collected by the Independent Agency Search and Selection Company (IAS) from across the industry and is not limited to pitches handled by IAS.
MagLove: Jay-Z rocks Billboard
MarkLives.com runs a regular slot featuring the best local and international magazine covers every week. We recognise well thought out, powerful and interesting (and hopefully all three in one) magazine covers and celebrate the mix of pragmatism, creativity and personal taste that created each of them.