by Carey Finn. Digital agency Hoorah’s strategy for embedding itself in the market has three core aspects: data, creativity and an atypical attitude to risk.
Search results for: Hoorah Digital
BREAKING: The Odd Number buys into Hoorah
by Herman Manson. The Odd Number has acquired a minority equity stake in Hoorah, the digital agency recently launched by Shaune Jordaan, Jay Thomson, Tasmin Kingma and Neil Pursey.
EXCLUSIVE: Nestlé awards African content biz account
by MarkLives. Hoorah Digital has won the account to build Nestlé’s global content studio for Africa, which will bring the food and beverage company’s digital content production in-house.
MarkLives Agency Revenue Rankings 2020
We’ve updated our revenue rankings to give an overview of the relative scale of ad agencies in the SA comms landscape.
King James, Odd Number’s big plans for Groundswell
by Herman Manson. The Odd Number Group and King James Group have big ambitions for Groundswell, their new joint-venture agency announced last week.
#BigQ2020: Personal, visual & always visible
by Shaune Jordaan. Personal, visual and always visible — these are the ingredients for connecting with customers in 2020.
Individualisation as a marketing strategy
by Jay Thomson. Personalisation, hyper-personalisation and individualisation are all terms that speak to customers’ growing preference for online content and solutions that place the individual at the centre of the strategy.
MarkLives Agency Revenue Rankings 2019
by MarkLives. We’ve updated our revenue rankings to give marketers an overview of the relative scale of ad agencies in the SA comms landscape.
Everything you need to know about Google Marketing Platform
by Tasmin Kingma. Google Marketing Platform is a consolidated solution for cross-channel marketing which enables a centralised ecosystem.
#Loeries2019 Friday winners: 161 Loeries awarded
by MarkLives. Loeries 2019 has announced its first set of winning entries on Friday evening, 23 August 2019, at the ICC Durban.