Design Annotator: #designindaba expo product highlights, new Polo Vivo ad a hit

by Uno de Waal (@Unodewaal) Today’s Design Annotator features the best from 10and5 in the form of: Design Indaba Expo highlights and brand activations; the new Volkswagen Polo Vivo TVC “The Hit”; Native VML’s e-reader app, bookly; a TV licence ad; SA-born comic book artist Willem Samuel; Mirage magazine’s Henrik Purienne; more on Absa’s L’Atelier competition; and visual development artist Lorraine Alvarez Posen.

Pete Case – finding heart in digital

Pete Case needs little introduction to the larger creative or digital community. His name is intricately linked to that of the multi-award winning digital agency Gloo, AdReview’s Digital Design Agency of the Year for the past four years running, where he serves as founding partner and Executive Creative Director.

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