by Kirsten Dewar. Brands must embrace transparency and ethics in a post-Cambridge Analytica world.
Search results for: Cambridge Analytica
Clicks ’n Tricks: The cookie monster crumbles
by Charlie Stewart. Google’s finally given in and agreed to kill third-party cookies.
Gestalt: Rethinking what customers want & are willing to share in return
by Leeya Hendricks. Self-storing/transformer furniture provides fascinating case studies of a new generation of successful data-gathering products.
Data enables, rather than defeats, creative freedom
by Matthys Esterhuysen. Many, including myself, believe that the next frontier will not be data-driven creativity but data-informed creativity.
Clicks ’n Tricks: Facebook — shady data, uncool & terribly confused
by Charlie Stewart. Facebook’s malaise may be distilled into three primary issues.
#TheInterlocker: Facebook • Trust • Media relations • SEO • Fake news
by MarkLives. Glen Bvuma, Samantha Watt, Larry Khumalo, Sam Swaine and Franco D’Onofrio each share something they believe their PR peers would benefit from reading.