by Carey Finn. Ultimately, it’s about public safety and social responsibility, says John Montgomery, GroupM global executive VP of brand safety.
Search results for: Brand SA
Avatar responds to Carte Blanche’s Brand SA broadcast
by MarkLives. On 10 March 2019, Carte Blanche broadcast a story on Brand SA’s previous contract with its then digital marketing agency, Avatar.
EXCLUSIVE: Brand SA appoints challenger agency to digital account
by Herman Manson (@marklives) Brand South Africa has appointed AVATAR, effective 1 September 2014, to take on its digital advertising account. The challenger agency beat a field of some 80 interested agencies that were shortlisted to a count of 24.
Fair Exchange: Rebalancing for branding post #CoronavirusSA
by Erna George. One phrase you may not have heard of is to “focus on the dance” and this is exactly what we as marketers and advertisers need to be doing at present.
#CoronavirusSA: Navigating brand meaning in times of crisis
by Emma Odendaal. Consider your brand’s role in the ‘new normal’ and how it can alleviate the worry in your customers’ lives with these defining characteristics of the new consumer psyche.
Q5: Brands, brands, brands, with Jeremy Sampson [interview]
by Carey Finn. Speaking in his personal capacity, Jeremy Sampson weighs in on some of the biggest surprises and challenges for brands in South Africa, and globally, over 2019/2020.
#CoronavirusSA: Brands in a state of lockdown
by Elena Protulis. Sometimes, it’s ok to not say anything, to not be creative or tactical. Sometimes, people just want space to breathe and deal with the anxiety and the unknown in their own way.
#BrandFocus: Ster-Kinekor Theatres says it’s better at the movies
by Sabrina Forbes. According to Motheo Matsau, the new Ster-Kinekor Theatres deputy CEO, movies, unlike any other content, are a special occasion.
Q5: How to hack a brand, with Sarel Delport [interview]
by Carey Finn. Sarel Delport is ECD of Autonomous Republic and part of the brains behind the recently launched Hack-A-Brand online store.
#AgencyFocus: M&C Saatchi Abel on consumer-focused brands
by Sabrina Forbes. For Mike Abel, it’s been an amazing journey building the youngest large ad agency in the country.