by Herman Manson. Today we reveal the Jozi agency from which great things are expected this year.
Search results for: #agencyleaders2018 jozi
#AgencyLeaders2018: Agency diversity & transformation Jozi
by Herman Manson. We reveal the agency considered to have contributed the most to agency diversity and transformation in Jozi during 2018.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most admired ad agency in Jozi
by Herman Manson. Today we reveal which ad agency was most admired by its Jozi peers during 2018.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most admired ad agency boss in Jozi
by Herman Manson. Today it’s the turn of the Jozi agency bosses most admired by their peers during 2018.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most admired creative leader in Jozi
by Herman Manson. We kick off this week with the Jozi creative leaders most admired by their peers during 2018.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most admired brand
by Herman Manson. Today we close off with the brands South Africa’s agency execs most wanted to work on during 2018.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most admired media agency
by Herman Manson. Today we introduce our third new category: which media agency SA’s agency execs most admire.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most admired PR agency
by Herman Manson. Today we introduce another new category: which PR agency SA’s agency execs most admire.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Most-rated pitch consultant
by Herman Manson. Today we reveal which pitch consultant agency execs are most likely to recommend to a client.
#AgencyLeaders2018: Women of the Year
by Herman Manson. Today we reveal a brand-new category — our women of the year, as voted for by SA’s leading agency executives.